HeaderImage Some handy facts
and figures to
help you learn
more about Polly’s

About us

We enjoy helping children to learn about numbers at Polly’s. Here are a few numbers to help you learn about Polly’s!


This is the year we opened. Polly’s is a family-run nursery owned by Anna and Dan Mead; we’re called Polly’s because Anna’s maiden name was Parrott!


2 nurseries

We have two nurseries in the Stroud area: Polly’s at Brownshill (near Chalford); and, Polly’s at Inchbrook (near Nailsworth). The quality of care and pre-school education at both of our nurseries is rated by Ofsted as outstanding in all aspects.


51 weeks

This is the number of weeks we’re open each year.  We’re open 8am-6pm Monday to Friday, apart from Bank Holidays and the days between Christmas and New Year.


175 years

This is the combined experience of our team measured in years. If we were one person we’d have been caring for children since 1837! Joking aside, we have masses of experience and expertise to put to work for you and your child.


*Please note that some of these numbers are subject to change but all were correct as at 01.09.16


This is the number of agency or bank staff we use. That’s because it’s our policy to intentionally overstaff our nurseries. This is good news for our children because it means they are always cared for by people who know them well. Plus, it means that trusted and familiar faces cover staff holidays, activity planning and record keeping duties. Having more staff than we need is also good for our parents because it means that our service is exceptionally reliable.



This is the percentage of parents of children at Polly’s who rated the quality of our care for their child as outstanding in our annual Parents Questionnaire.



Not many childcare providers are graded as 'outstanding' by Ofsted. Fewer still are graded as 'outstanding' in all aspects. It's the highest grade you can get. Both of our nurseries are rated as 'outstanding' in all aspects. In fact, Polly's has achieved the highest grade you can get at our last four consecutive Ofsted inspections.  It's nothing to crow about really.  We all know that parrots have a habit of repeating things!


This is our average length of staff service measured in years. Our nurseries are happy, stimulating and fun places for us grown-ups too!



This is the number of stars awarded to us by the Food Standards Agency for food hygiene & safety at both of our nurseries. Five stars is the highest rating you can get.



This is the amount in £ we’ve invested in toys, books and play equipment and resources in the last five years.  We’re ready to play and there’s lots to play with!



This is the symbol for infinity. A quantity without bound or end. It’s also the extent of our passion for caring for children at Polly's.